When ‘flexing muscle’ means terrorizing children

The Golani Brigade left Hebron last week and a collective sigh of relief passed through the town. The Golani are famous for being tough on the civilian Palestinian population, and there was some hope that the violations administered by the Golani Brigade would not be repeated by the newly arrived Kfeer brigade. Three weeks ago, on a visit to the Mutanabbi boys school (which is located on a road that settlers use frequently), the principal reported that 27 instances of physical and verbal abuse against the school children by the army during one week alone. A teacher was detained at a checkpoint for 4 hours while on his way to work, and flying checkpoints (pop-up checkpoints) had been set up outside the school, where harassment of the children was regular. When speaking to the principal he told us that the week prior a settler, armed with an M16 assault rifle, had walked into the school, and threatened to blow up the school if students didn’t stop throwing stones. In any other instance this threat would be taken seriously and investigations would ensue. However, in Hebron, the residents say that settlers rule the army and protection is only for the chosen few. Read more

‘Wicked’ doesn’t come close to describing how great this van is.


The village of Um al Khair is a small, Bedouin community survives in spite of the high levels of insecurity it faces due the occupation and the harassment of the settlers from the Karmel settlement. Some of the Bedouin tents have received demolition orders and the ongoing theft of land, despite evidence of land ownership by the Palestinian community, make this one of the most vulnerable and impoverished villages in the West Bank. Read more

When the ‘daily grind’ doesn’t refer to your favourite coffee joint

The bleakness of the situation here {in Hebron} is further exacerbated by the settler violence that occurs under the ‘watchful’ eye of the military that is deployed here to maintain security. In 2011, when settlers tried to burn down the Cordoba school in Hebron, the principal installed video cameras on the premises to monitor security. Read more